Love Your Life with Steph

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Money. Sex. Money. Sex.

Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Money. Sex. Money. Sex.

Yep.  I said it.


And yup.  I also said that other thing.


Money and sex are such taboo subjects, but they certainly shouldn’t be within your marriage.

Is money a topic that causes your blood pressure to go up?  Is sex something of a distant memory?

Do you want to be in a marriage where sex and money are subjects that are as easy to talk about as the weather?

Do you wish your love life was a tiny bit more like what you see on tv?

Do you wish you had the courage to ask your spouse for what you really want?

Talking about money, sex, and any other topic should be easy with the person you are doing life with…and your blood pressure should only be going up when naked time is happening!  😊

Are you ready for THAT kind of marriage?