Love Your Life with Steph

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Communication. Connection. Naked Time!

Communication leads to connection and you know what connection leads to?  


Naked time is an important part of a happy, healthy marriage.   The relationship between you and your significant other is quite possibly THE most important relationship of a person’s life!   This is the person you share your finances with, your bed, your home, your children, your pets, your cars, your vacations, your time…and yet sadly, this is the relationship that is most often neglected.

Sure, kids are important.  But kids are (often) only around for about 18 years.   Did you get married hoping it’d last a decade or two, or were you thinking until death?  For some, that could be a heckuva lot more than 18 years!!!!!

Your connection with your partner needs to go far beyond the day-to-day activities of life.  Booking hotels for vacation.  Figuring out what is for dinner.   Who will buy the next birthday present for a family member?  ALL those things happen in life.   ALONG WITH all those things needs to come connection with your partner.  In between the day-to-day, you have to have a deeper connection with your spouse or you’ll grow apart.  

Living in the same house isn’t enough to sustain a happy marriage.   There is so much more to staying connected to your partner.  It takes DAILY work.

Are you ready to pour into your marriage?

Are you ready to learn some new skills to be a stronger communicator with your spouse?

Are you ready to live your life happier than ever?